Can I have ACA insurance and Medicaid?
You cannot have both Medicaid and an ACA health insurance plan at the same time. If you qualify for Medicaid based on your income, you’ll be enrolled in that program instead of purchasing an ACA plan. For help with eligibility, schedule an appointment with a Tsunami Advisor here: Schedule an Appointment.
What happens if I have ACA insurance and Medicare?
If you become eligible for Medicare, you’ll need to transition from your ACA health insurance plan to Medicare, as the two programs don’t coordinate. Continuing an ACA plan after qualifying for Medicare will result in the loss of subsidies. For more guidance on making the transition, schedule an appointment with a Tsunami Advisor here: Schedule an Appointment.
Can I have ACA insurance along with employer-sponsored insurance?
You can technically have both ACA health insurance and employer-provided coverage, but it’s usually not recommended because you’ll lose access to ACA subsidies if your employer’s plan meets affordability standards. This can result in higher overall costs without adding significant benefits. For help deciding between your employer’s plan and ACA options, schedule an appointment with a Tsunami Advisor here: Schedule an Appointment.
What happens if I get a job that offers insurance after enrolling in ACA?
You can purchase an ACA plan while being covered by your spouse’s employer plan, but you’ll likely lose eligibility for subsidies if the employer coverage is deemed affordable. This can lead to higher costs without significant benefits. For help comparing options, schedule an appointment with a Tsunami Advisor here: Schedule an Appointment.
Can I get ACA coverage if I’m covered by my spouse’s plan?
You can purchase an ACA plan even if you’re covered by your spouse’s employer-sponsored health insurance, but you may not qualify for subsidies if your spouse’s plan is considered affordable. For help determining the best coverage option, schedule an appointment with a Tsunami Advisor here: Schedule an Appointment.
Can I switch from ACA to an employer plan mid-year?
If you gain access to employer-sponsored health insurance during the year, you can leave your ACA plan during a Special Enrollment Period. However, you may lose your ACA subsidies, making the plan more expensive. For help switching plans, schedule an appointment with a Tsunami Advisor here: Schedule an Appointment.